Philanthropy Day on November 14 was a busy one for the Pinawa Foundation. Current and past Pinawa residents were so generous, allowing us to raise over $35,000 in one day. The Foundation’s Endowment Fund has grown by $50,000, thanks to the various matching programs we had this year. Thank you to the Winnipeg Foundation for their $2,000 matching contribution and the Thomas Sill Foundation for their $17,500 matching contribution to our Endowment Fund.

Chris and Carol, Philanthropy Day 2015
“Our $25,000 goal was reached late Saturday afternoon, and we were so excited to surpass this goal later in the evening” said Carol Findlay, the Foundation’s Treasurer. “In one day we reached both our Philanthropy Day goal and our Thomas Sill goal of raising $50,000 before September 2016. It was a very good day”.
Pinawa people are the true treasure in our community (that is not a secret). Thank you to each and every one of you for your generosity.