Youth in Philanthropy or YIP is a dedicated group of students from grades 7-12 at the Pinawa Secondary High School who have partnered with the Pinawa Foundation in a student philanthropy program. This program provides funds to local organizations to begin, improve, or maintain important Pinawa community projects and services.
YIP provides students with a wonderful opportunity to see how philanthropy works, how community foundations improve our community for all ages, and how volunteering plays a valuable and important role in supporting community organizations.
Each year, YIP allocates a total of $2,500 to several organizations in Pinawa. If your organization has taken advantage of the YIP grant program, thank you! We encourage all local organizations to consider applying for grant money through YIP.
The YIP grant application form is found on the Pinawa Foundation website. We try to send local organizations an information letter and invitation to apply each year in January. Once YIP has reviewed all applications, organizations are contacted by YIP to let you know about the status of your application. The funds given to successful applicants will be presented at the Pinawa Foundation Annual General Meeting, held in June.

If you have any questions about the YIP program and the YIP student committee, please contact us through:
Lisa Krupka (student committee facilitator) at
Carol Findlay (Pinawa Foundation granting committee) at