The Pinawa Friends of the Trans Canada Trail submitted a grant application for the purchase of an Eco-counter Pyro-box. The group has one counter but is adding another to gather more accurate data from different locations while providing a basis for comparison. Data from the counter has been shared with the LGD, the Pinawa Trails committee, Trails Manitoba and Trans Canada Trail head office.
The counter in its first 1000 days of use (start May 7, 2016 to Jan 31, 2018) has recorded 71,317 people. August 6, 2017 counted 1,882 people at the Suspension Bridge and that statistic gave support for the case for facility improvements now underway at the trail head.
Pinawa Foundation is pleased to have brought Solo’s generosity together with the Pinawa Friends of the Trans Canada Trail need for the betterment of our local trails.

Front Row (L to R) Dianne Loesch, Lisa Thomas (Solo), Diann Elliott, Marsha Sheppard, Barb Sabanski
Back Row (L to R) Sharon Taylor, Peter Taylor, Steve Sheppard, Carol Findlay PF, John Tait PF