The Pinawa Foundation was very pleased to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony for Phase 1 of the refurbishment of Burrows Park. The event was hosted by the Pinawa Lions Club. Guests included Chris Saunders from the Foundation and Deputy Mayor Rhonda Henschell.
A few years ago, the Pinawa Lions welcomed Chantel Kaczanowski and Tasha Lappage to the Lions Club. They had plenty of energy and ideas. One of which was to update Pinawa’s playgrounds, but this meant planning and fundraising. The first project was the Beach Playground which was completed a few years ago. Thanks to the LGD of Pinawa, the Building Sustainable Communities Program, the Lions Club, and the Transition Health Network.
Next on the list was the Burrows Park. “Burrows Park is a well-loved community space that has served Pinawa for 50 years” says Chris Saunders, Chairman of the Foundation. “The original playground was installed by the Lioness’ Club in 1988. The Pinawa Foundation and the Lions Club want to honour and protect the park with this refurbishment Project”.
“Fund raising has taken a few years, but with support from the Building Sustainable Communities Program, the Community Revitalization Fund, and the community donors through the Pinawa Foundation, we were able to complete phase 1 of the refurbishment project, the new playground structure” said Lions Club President Gisele Smith. “I would like to thank the members of the Pinawa Lions Club, especially Chantel and Tasha for bringing this to our attention, the LGD of Pinawa Council, Public Works staff, the Pinawa Foundation, the community and both levels of government for their support.”