Thank you to our loyal supporters throughout 2023.
The generous support of May’s Community Project Month was amazing. The fourteen participating groups worked energetically fundraising and the Foundation was happy to reward those efforts. The groups raised $69,172.33 to earn grants totalling $19,324.69. Four of the groups received the maximum $2,000 grant while 4 other groups earned between $1,500 and $1,900. We look forward to 2024 with the hope that there will be at least 8 maximum grants.
The Giving Challenge for Philanthropy week was a resounding success. One hundred generous residents donated a total of $100,047.28 (including the $4,000 top up from Endow MB and the Province of Manitoba). Pinawa came a very close second to Winkler in total donations.
Our year ended with gifts from people who have moved from Pinawa but have not forgotten us. It is good to be remembered and we thank you for the gift, too.
The last donation of 2023 came from Access Credit Union. Access has an initiative started in 2013 called Access Jeans for Charity, whereby staff may wear jeans on Fridays in exchange for a minimum donation of $3 each week. The proceeds are matched by Access Credit Union and donated to staff selected community charitable organizations. Our sincere thanks for the $792 donation. It is amazing to think that a weekly contribution can make a substantial donation at year end. It is true that the longest journey begins with the first step.

Thank you everyone. Happy New Year. May 2024 treat you kindly.
For more information about the Pinawa Foundation, or to make a donation, visit us at or check us out on Facebook.
For our Good. For our Future.