Happy New Year!
2015 was a successful year for the Pinawa Foundation. The Foundation has donated over $65,000 to local groups since 2010, including:
- Pinawa Secondary School Parent Advisory Committee
- LGD of Pinawa – Legacy Park, Arena Board, local fundraisers.
- Pinawa Community Multipurpose Facility Committee – Improvements at F.W. Gilbert School
- Pinawa Secondary School – Multiple Recipients of Pinawa Foundation Scholarship and the Gladys Guthrie Memorial Scholarship
- Pinawa Secondary School Scoreboard Fundraising Committee
- Pinawa 50th Anniversary Committee – Support for Breakfast Event and Friday Concert
- Pinawa School Board – Display of Graduating Classes at Pinawa Secondary School from 1967 to today.
- Pinawa Hospital – Purchase equipment for PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) to allow local Cancer patients to receive treatments in Pinawa.
- Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre
- Friends of Ironwood Trail
We have also partnered with Transplant Manitoba on a very successful “Drive to 500” Campaign to get people to sign up to be organ donors. Aeroplan has also become a partner in our “Beyond Miles” Campaign to accept donations of Aeroplan miles to benefit the Foundation.
The Board is excited to continue to share our success with the community. The Board has declared May “Community Project Month:”
Community Project Month
The Pinawa Foundation is offering community groups the opportunity to participate in this fundraising endeavour.
Any donations made to the Pinawa Foundation in the month of May for any or all the following organizations will be stretched by 20% to a maximum of $1000 per group.
Donations $25 and over will be issued a charitable donation receipt.
The F. W. Gilbert Parent Advisory Council – “FWG Natural Playground Project”
The Pinawa Secondary School Parent Advisory Council – “Outdoor Ed Equipment Project”
Pinawa Health Auxiliary – “2016 Hospital Needs Project”
Pinawa Public Library – “2016 Library Needs Project”
Two Rivers Seniors – “New Equipment and Improved Services for 2016”
Survivor’s Hope Crisis Inc. – “Improved Services for Eastern Manitoba”
Whiteshell Cross- Country Ski Club – “Equipment and Course Improvements for 2017”
Pinawa Lions Club – “2015 Community Playgrounds Enhancement Project”
The Pinawa Foundation offers 2 scholarships a year to Pinawa Secondary School graduates. A $1500 scholarship is offered by the Guthrie family in memory of Gladys Guthrie to a student entering the nursing profession who demonstrates an appreciation for and a commitment to community. A $500 scholarship is offered to a student who demonstrates an appreciation for and a commitment to community.
These awards are presented at the Pinawa Secondary School Graduation Ceremonies in June.

Emilie Shewchuk (R) recipient of the third Gladys Guthrie Memorial Scholarship and the Pinawa Foundation Community Scholarship and Carol Findlay of the Pinawa Foundation (C)
Lake Winnipeg Watershed Project
The Thomas Sill Foundation has challenged all Manitoba community foundations that live in the bowl called the “Lake Winnipeg Watershed” to assist the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium (LWRC; www.lakewinnipegresearch.org). The LWRC is a non-profit agency that has become the recognized authority on the health of Lake Winnipeg. It is an expensive proposition because it involves the operation of Manitoba’s largest ship, the MV Namao. Since 2006, community foundations have provided $255,000 to help fund the administrative costs of the LWRG. Many funders do not cover such expenses and it is entirely likely that without our help the MV Namao would no longer be on the water. The Foundation will match all donations made to the LWRC.
To date, the program has collected $18,200, with the matching to reach a total of $36,400. The program goal is a total of $75,000 before October, 2016. If anyone in Pinawa would like to donate to this worthy cause, please contact the Pinawa Foundation (P.O. Box 100) for further information.